Senior UX Designer, Apr 2019 - Present
Forsta (formerly known as Confrimit AS)
Working on quantitative data collection products with multiple product teams: Survey Designer (a tool for building surveys), Survey Responsive Rendering(survey experience for survey takers), Digital Feedback(a tool for implementing surveys on Websites or Mobile Apps), CATI(a tool for managing and conducting computer aided telephone interviews).
UI Design
RTW Demo - Streaming Real-Time Data From Coffee Machines

This is a pilot project done in cooperation with our partner AIIO. The purpose was to connect 5 coffee machines together and stream their real-time data to a web portal via Real Time Web. My task was to create the graphical user interface for the web portal with the target user of the brand manager. The aim was to help the brand manager to improve sales, report the operations of the machines, secure the quality of the service across all stations.
Logo Design | Brand Identity
Tech Norway - KinderSafe

KinderSafe is a product/system that aims to increase security in Norwegian kindergartens while maximising efficiency in the everyday life of employees. My responsibilities in this project include meeting with the customer regarding needs and requirements, designing the logo, color profile and brand identity.
Industrial Design | Rapid Prototype
Tech Norway - KinderSafe

Other tasks in this project include creating product design of the wristband, creating functional prototypes (3D prints), and creating technical drawings.
Animation Explainer
Tech Norway - KinderSafe

I worked with the marketing team to make a survey on a new product concept KinderSafe. The survey includes an animation that explains the features of the product. My task in this project includes communicating with the clients regarding needs and progress, brainstorming on the story, making the storyboard, drawing the graphical elements, making the animation, implementing sound effects and background music, and implementing the voice-over both in Norwegian and Spanish.
Industrial Design & Interaction Design
Okei Talkie

Okei Talkie was picked out as 1 of 20 projects to represent AHO at the BRIDGE exhibition at DogA in 2013.
Okei Talkie was picked out as 1 of 8 projects to represent AHO at the Nordic Design and Innovation Exhibition in Shanghai in 2013

Okei Talkie is a communicating and locating system designed for children, which enables parents to locate their children and communicate with them in voice messaging. The project aims to help children reuniting with parents, and through product design, offer them comfort and reassurance, in the same time help them learn to cope with situations while they are ever lost or get separated from supervision.
The idea is to create a character, Little Fa, that children could build up emotional attachment with, which gives children a sense of familiarity during lost or separation from supervision; And a story that tells stories of how Little Fa gets reunited with Mama Fa by using Okei Talkie; It also tells in what situations a child should use Okei Talkie and safety rules in terms of dealing with strangers and unfamiliar environments.
Interaction Design
Anxii - fear of humans

Concept and developement by Wenying Zhang & Aleksander Imset Wassum.
Anxii was nominated "Best interaction design" and "Best use of technology" at AHO Works 2011.
What will happen if all the helpful functionality of a robot is removed, and instead it’s equipped with fear? Fear of humans!
Robota , the origin of the word robot, comes from the Czech play “Rossum’s Universal Robots” by Josef Capek. The word simply means hard work, which is what one would expect from a robot. Robots are built to work for man with no objections or complaints, making life easier for us humans. So would you take a robots feelings into consideration?
Equipped with a proximity sensor
anxii can sense the presence of humans. The closer you get, the more anxious anxii will get. You can tell from the amount of shaking and the fear meter on his chest. If you get too close, he will freeze up and stare at you. At this point, if you get even closer, he will faint from fear.
Logo Design
Various Logo Design Works

I have been doing logo design and graphic design for startups, friends, and families since 2010.
Animation Explainer
Other Animation Works
My other animation works include an animation explainer for AATS, a promotional animation for Things4Web Conference, and an animation explainer for the diploma project of Dan Li.